Kansas City to Lincoln NE: Driving distance, time & best stops

The distance from Kansas City to Lincoln NE is 196 miles, with a 3h6m driving time. The best road trip stops on the Kansas City to Lincoln NE drive are St Joseph, Indian Cave State Park and the Missouri Basin Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center.

Planning a Kansas City to Lincoln NE road trip itinerary

The drive from Kansas City to Lincoln connects two key cities in the Great Plains region of the US.

Technically two cities spread over two different states, Kansas City has a rich cultural heritage. The Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art and American Jazz Museum show this off. Other top attractions include the National World I Memorial and the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum

Good experiences in Kansas City include an indulgent food tour of the city’s best BBQ joints, Segway tours, the Sealife Aquarium and wine-tasting trips.

The most obvious attraction in Lincoln NE is the State Capitol Building, which dominates the landscape with a 400ft tower. Free guided tours leave several times a day.

Other Lincoln experiences include the Sunken Gardens, a former waste dump turned into a gorgeous garden. It’s is especially noted for the tulip displays in spring. And, for art displays with a difference, you can try the International Quilt Museum.

Kansas City to Lincoln NE distance and driving time

By car, the distance from Kansas City to Lincoln NE is 196 miles. That makes for a driving time of around three hours and six minutes. The quickest route is up the I-29, then west on IA-2 and NE-2.

The best stops to add to a Kansas City to Lincoln NE road trip itinerary are St Joseph, Indian Cave State Park and the Missouri Basin Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center.

Kansas City to Lincoln NE road trip stops: St Joseph

St Joseph, Missouri, is pleasingly dotted with riverside parks and niche museums.

The Pony Express National Museum celebrates the first fast mail service to the west coast. A relay system of horse riders connected St Joseph to Sacramento in California.

Meanwhile, the Glore Psychiatric Museum looks at St Joseph’s former lunatic asylum and the treatment of mental health through the ages. And the Walter Kronkite Memorial covers the life and work of the legendary CBS news anchor.

Attractions between Kansas City and Lincoln NE: Indian Cave State Park

On the Nebraska side of the Missouri River, Indian Cave State Park has lovely picnic spots, and 22 miles of hiking and biking trails. But the centrepiece is Indian Cave, an enormous cave with a boardwalk leading to it.

The informative signs along the boardwalk are worth reading, as they’ll tell you about the ancient Native American petroglyphs found within the cave. You can also get good views of the Missouri River from the boardwalk.

Kansas City to Lincoln NE drive: Missouri Basin Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center

Just outside Nebraska City, the Missouri Basin Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center gives great insights into the pioneering Lewis and Clark expedition that opened up the American west.

There’s a particular focus on the scientific aspects of the expedition, with the fish, birds and other wildlife discovered in the Missouri Valley.

Several walking trails depart from the Center. Head along the limestone bluffs, and you’ll get tremendous views of the Missouri River.

The Nebraska State Capitol Building in Lincoln, NE.
The Nebraska State Capitol Building in Lincoln, NE. Photo by 12019/ Pixabay.

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