Pennsylvania road trips

This is the index page for Pennsylvania road trips covered on Best3stops. All of the routes below either start or end in one of Pennsylvania’s cities. More Pennsylvania drives will be added as the site expands.

Click through to find the best three stops on each road trip route.

Harrisburg road trips

Harrisburg to Philadelphia | Harrisburg to Pittsburgh.

Philadelphia road trips

Philadelphia to Baltimore | Boston to Philadelphia | Philadelphia to Charlotte | Chicago to Philadelphia | Philadelphia to Cincinnati | Cleveland to Philadelphia | Columbus to Philadelphia | Dallas to Philadelphia | Philadelphia to Denver | Philadelphia to Detroit | Philadelphia to Fort Lauderdale | Harrisburg to Philadelphia | Hartford to Philadelphia | Houston to Philadelphia | Indianapolis to Philadelphia | Philadelphia to Myrtle Beach | New Haven to Philadelphia | New York City to Philadelphia | Pittsburgh to Philadelphia | Raleigh NC to Philadelphia | Philadelphia to Richmond VA | St Louis to Philadelphia | Philadelphia to Tampa | Philadelphia to Washington DC | Philadelphia to Wilmington NC.

Pittsburgh road trips

Akron to Pittsburgh | Allentown to Pittsburgh | Baltimore to Pittsburgh | Buffalo to Pittsburgh | Chicago to Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh to Cincinnati | Pittsburgh to Cleveland | Columbus to Pittsburgh | Dallas to Pittsburgh | Denver to Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh to Detroit | Pittsburgh to Fort Lauderdale | Harrisburg to Pittsburgh | Houston to Pittsburgh | Indianapolis to Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh to Louisville | Pittsburgh to Nashville | New York City to Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh to Niagara Falls | Pittsburgh to Philadelphia | St Louis to Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh to Tampa | Washington DC to Pittsburgh.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Photo by David Whitley/ Best3Stops.

More Northeast US road trip guides

Connecticut road trips.

Massachusetts road trips.

New York road trips.