Phoenix road trips

Things to do in Phoenix, Arizona

A stay in Phoenix is at its best when you explore the surrounding Sonoran Desert. That might be in a hot air balloon flight, on an ATV tour or on a guided sunset hiking adventure. You can also do day tours along the Apache Trail.

For other Phoenix experiences, try a downtown food tour, a street art tour or a spooky nighttime ghost walk.

Attractions that you might wish to buy advance include cell phone-friendly tickets for include Phoenix Zoo, the Sea Life aquarium or a drunk Shakespeare performance.

For Phoenix accommodation options with a bit of character, try the art-splashed Foundre or the resort-like Raintree at Phoenix South Mountain Preserve.

Phoenix road trip guides

Albuquerque to Phoenix | Phoenix to Colorado Springs | Dallas to Phoenix | Denver to Phoenix | El Paso to Phoenix | Phoenix to Flagstaff | Phoenix to Grand Canyon (South Rim) | Houston to Phoenix | Phoenix to Kingman | Las Cruces to Phoenix | Phoenix to Prescott | Omaha to Phoenix | Phoenix to San Antonio | Phoenix to Santa Fe | Phoenix to Sedona | Phoenix to Tombstone | Phoenix to Tucson | Phoenix to Williams AZ | Winslow to Phoenix | Phoenix to Yuma.

Phoenix, Arizona.
Phoenix, Arizona. Photo by Nader Abushhab/ Unsplash.