Utah road trips

This is the index page for Utah road trips covered on Best3stops. All of the routes below either start or end in one of Utah’s cities. More Utah drives will be added as the site expands.

Click through to find the best three stops on each road trip route.

Arches National Park road trips

Denver to Arches National Park | Salt Lake City to Arches National Park.

Moab road trips

Denver to Moab | Grand Junction to Moab | Salt Lake City to Moab.

Salt Lake City road trips

Salt Lake City to Arches National Park | Boise to Salt Lake City | Cheyenne to Salt Lake City | Colorado Springs to Salt Lake City | Dallas to Salt Lake City | Denver to Salt Lake City | Grand Junction to Salt Lake City | Houston to Salt Lake City | Laramie WY to Salt Lake City | Salt Lake City to Moab | Omaha to Salt Lake City | San Antonio to Salt Lake City.

Arches National Park near Moab, Utah.
Arches National Park near Moab, Utah. Photo by David Whitley/ Best3Stops.